Net Asset Value increase of 23.8%
Share price increase of 33.9%
47th consecutive year of dividend increases
As our 125th year draws to an end it is pleasing to be able to report one of the strongest sets of results in Bankers' recent history. A net asset value increase of 23.8% was the key catalyst for the significant reduction in the discount to which the shares traded at during the year, resulting in a share price return of 33.9%. The twin objectives of long term capital appreciation and dividend growth have resulted in Bankers cementing its position as a core holding in many private client portfolios and has created the demand to allow us to issue shares, the first time since 1994. In the last year 350,000 shares were issued at a premium to net asset value, and since the year end we have issued a further 400,000 shares.
This performance was achieved against a positive global equity market background with strong returns being reported by all major markets. Further detail as to geographic returns and market reports can be found in the Annual Report and Financial Statements.
Revenue and Dividends
The underlying portfolio has continued to generate revenue growth which has enabled the Company to continue its 46 year record of increasing dividend payments to shareholders whilst also adding modestly to reserves. It is one of the key objectives of the Company to increase dividends in excess of the Retail Prices Index. This has been achieved consistently. A significant revenue reserve is one of the key strengths of Bankers. The reserve allows the Board and shareholders to have confidence in our dividend objective being met.
We are recommending a final dividend of 3.6p per share, making a total of 14.13p for the year, an
increase of 6% and marking the 47th consecutive year of dividend increases. As we look forward, the Board would expect to be paying out the great majority of the revenue generated each year in the form of dividends. Accordingly, the current level of revenue reserve is not expected to grow significantly from the 2013 year end levels. We feel confident in being able to forecast a dividend per share of not less than 14.7p per share, an increase of 4%.