* Royal Dutch Shell's third quarter 2013 earnings, on a current cost of
supplies (CCS) basis (see Note 1), were $4.2 billion compared with $6.2
billion in the same quarter a year ago.
* Third quarter 2013 CCS earnings excluding identified items (see page 5)
were $4.5 billion compared with $6.6 billion in the third quarter of 2012.
* Compared with the third quarter 2012, CCS earnings excluding identified
items were impacted by significantly weaker industry refining conditions,
increased Upstream operating expenses and exploration expenses, as well as
production volume impacts from maintenance and asset replacement
activities. Earnings also reflected the impact of the challenging operating
environment in Nigeria and lower dividends from an LNG venture. This was
partly offset by higher contributions from Chemicals and increased
underlying Upstream production volumes, led by Integrated Gas.
* Basic CCS earnings per share excluding identified items decreased by 32%
versus the third quarter 2012.
* Cash flow from operating activities for the third quarter 2013 was $10.4
billion, compared with $9.5 billion in the same quarter last year.
Excluding working capital movements, cash flow from operating activities
for the third quarter 2013 was $9.9 billion, compared with $11.7 billion in
the third quarter 2012.
* Capital investment for the third quarter 2013 was $9.7 billion. Net capital
investment (see Note 1) for the quarter was $9.4 billion.
* Total dividends distributed in the quarter were $2.8 billion, of which $1.2
billion were settled under the Scrip Dividend Programme. During the third
quarter some 45.5 million shares were bought back for cancellation for a
consideration of $1.5 billion.
* Gearing at the end of the third quarter 2013 was 11.2%.
* A third quarter 2013 dividend has been announced of $0.45 per ordinary
share and $0.90 per American Depositary Share ("ADS"), an increase of 5%
compared with the third quarter 2012.