Norway Exchanges

The table below details the stock exchanges in Norway

Exchange Listings
Oslo Stock Exchange 59
Euronext NOTC 1

The companies headquartered in Norway are listed here:

Company Sector Listings
Leroy Seafood Group Food Producers Leroy Seafood Group
Mowi ASA Food Producers Mowi ASA
MPC Container Ships ASA Shipping MPC Container Ships ASA
Multiconsult ASA Engineering Multiconsult ASA
Nel ASA Energy Nel ASA
NorAm Drilling AS Oil Equipment, Services & Distribution NorAm Drilling AS
Norcod AS Agricultural Products Norcod AS
Norsk Hydro Alternative Energy Norsk Hydro
Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA Industrial Transportation Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA
Ocean Sun AS Gas, Water & Multiutilities Ocean Sun AS
Okeanis Eco Tankers Corp Shipping Okeanis Eco Tankers Corp
Orkla ASA Conglomerates Orkla ASA
Panoro Energy ASA Energy Panoro Energy ASA
Protector Forsikring Asa Nonlife Insurance Protector Forsikring Asa
Rana Gruber ASA Unknown Rana Gruber ASA
Salmar Asa Food Producers Salmar Asa
Salmon Evolution ASA Food Producers Salmon Evolution ASA
Schibsted ASA Software & Computer Services Schibsted ASA - Class A Shares
Sea1 Offshore Inc. Energy Sea1 Offshore Inc.
Selvaag Bolig ASA Real Estate Selvaag Bolig ASA
Solstad Offshore ASA Energy Solstad Offshore ASA - Class A Shares
Sparebank 1 Nord-Norge Banks Sparebank 1 Nord-Norge
Statoil Oil & Gas Producers Statoil
Stolt-Nielsen Limited Agricultural Products Stolt-Nielsen Limited
Storebrand ASA Financial Services Storebrand ASA
StrongPoint ASA General Industrials StrongPoint ASA
Subsea 7 S.A. Construction & Materials Subsea 7 S.A.
Telenor ASA Telecomms Telenor ASA
TGS ASA Oil & Gas Producers TGS ASA
Tomra Systems ASA Support Services Tomra Systems ASA